I’m participating in a sheep and wool related Instagram challenge (#wovember2019) and today’s prompt was “memory.” In terms of wool, memory refers to how something made of wool that when stretched, will return to its original shape. Crimpy wool has more memory than less crimpy wool. But I chose to use the common definition of “memory” and that got my mind racing with all kinds of sheepy memories over the last three years, starting with the day we got our first sheep, three beautiful ewe lambs from a farm in East Tennessee.
Our first Tunis lambs.
We had experience with dairy goats and cattle but not sheep, so these three ladies taught us what we needed to know. Mostly that sheep are super easy to care for! We discovered we loved sheep and our starter flock of three has now grown to 29.
Another favorite memory was the first lambs born on our farm. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but the babies finally started coming and our ewes proved to be excellent moms with no help needed from me. I sat in the pasture every day watching those sweet little lambs play.
The first Tunis lamb born on our farm.
As I think about my favorite sheep memories, I realize how fortunate we are to be creating memories for our grandchildren on the farm as well. Our oldest granddaughter loves the sheep… playing with the lambs, helping with chores, and even has a little “vet bag” complete with stethescope, thermometer, etc., that she’ll carry around if we’re doctoring anybody. Doesn’t get any cuter than that.
Lamb kisses!
What about you? Do you have any favorite farm memories?